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Recent Articles in Separation science - Articles and Application notes

Determination of Lanthanides by Ion Chromatography
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Introduces Flexible, Adaptable Column for Nanoscale HPLC
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Mass Based Purification Simplified with Gilson LC/MS Purification System
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Trace Determination of Heavy Metals in Pharma Products
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Biotage Introduces New SNAP XL Flash Purification
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Sage-N Research and Nonlinear Dynamics Sign Co-Marketing Agreement to provide Complete Workflow Solutions to High End Proteomics Labs
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ATAS GL Introduces 4th Generation of OPTIC Multimode Inlet for Gas Chromatography
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Nitrogen Mustard Hydrolysis Products: Quantitative Analysis Improved
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Using GPC/SEC to accurately characterise complex biopolymers in food
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A Highly Versatile Workflow Solution for Quantitative Protein Analysis
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Enhanced Method for Monitoring Hydroxymethylfurfural Levels in Food and Biomass
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Common Cations and Amines Identification and Quantification Improved Using IC-MS
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New Kanamycin and Amikacin Method Exceeds US Pharmacopeia Analysis Requirements
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Launches New LC/MS Compendium to Share Environmental and Food Safety Testing Knowledge
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Method Uses GC-MS/MS to Significantly Increase the Number of Pesticides Detectable in a Single Injection
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Faster Separation and Quantification of Metabolites in Brassica napus Rapeseeds
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Biotage Announces New Methods for the Extraction of Key Compounds for Clinical, Environmental and Forensic Applications
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Develops Method to Detect Dangerous Carbonyl Compounds
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Phenomenex Publishes Guides for Medicinal Chemistry Sample Cleanup with Strata Sorbents
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Dionex Releases Technical Note for Determination of Water and Fat-Soluble Vitamins
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Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Now Quantifiable by Electrochemical Detection Using a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode
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