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Efficient Isolation of High Yield gDNA
Agilent Automation Solutions has released an application note that demonstrates how the Agilent gDNA Isolation Workstation, utilizing the Invitrogen ChargeSwitch EasyPlex kit, provides the throughput, and walk-away time necessary to keep up with the demands of genomic applications.
Efficient isolation of high-yield gDNA is an important step in high-throughput analysis of the genome. Isolating gDNA can be accomplished by a number of approaches. Automated liquid-handling workstations can be used to isolate gDNA in a reliable, repeatable, and contamination-free manner. This application note outlines a protocol for the Invitrogen ChargeSwitch EasyPlex gDNA kit using the Agilent gDNA isolation workstation in which up to 10 microplates (96-well) can be processed simultaneously. The throughput of the outlined protocol is 10 minutes for each plate processed (depending on exact liquid handling procedures).
In the described set-up - microplates and tip boxes were delivered to an Agilent Bravo Automated Liquid Handling Platform by an Agilent BenchCel Microplate Handling. The Bravo gripper was used to transport microplates and tip boxes around the platform. After the washing steps, the microplates were sealed with an Agilent PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer and stored in the BenchCel Workstation for downstream use. The authors show how the Agilent Bravo Automated Liquid Handling Platform has the capacity for managing the necessary reagents, plates, and tips in a compact footprint. Further the integration of three Agilent BenchCel stackers for tip boxes is shown to provide an uninterrupted supply of tips without user intervention. The Agilent PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer is shown to securely seal the plates after processing, and is easily integrated into the process workflow. Agilent VWorks Automation Control software was used to create an event-driven protocol to seamlessly integrate and reliably manage the entire process.
For a copy of the application note please visit or contact your local Agilent Automation sales office.
From stand-alone units to fully integrated systems, Agilent Automation Solutions teams key sample preparation and creative walk-away automation approaches with personalized customer service to provide complete solutions for your laboratory. Combining innovative engineering with high standards of quality, Agilent designs and manufactures high-performance equipment for processes that are revolutionizing pharmaceutical, biotech, and genomic research.
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