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Spark Holland Introduce a new concept for online Dried Blood Spot analysis
Spark Holland will show its revolutionary Flow Through Desorption (FTD TM) technology for automated Dried Blood Spot (DBS) analysis at Analytica. FTDTM enables online coupling of DBS desorption to LC-MS/MS providing total workflow automation of DBS analysis. Hart of the system is the desorption clamp, that seals the DBS, or a portion of the DBS, leak tight for flow-through desorption. No punching-out of DBS is required!
The pressure resistant clamp allows direct elution into to the LC-MS/MS system, but also to online SPE for added sample clean-up. The system further comprises a camera for spot inspection and bar-code reading. Internal standard is added to the desorption solvent automatically. The basic system comes with a robot that handles about 120 DBS cards. A SCARA-type robot is available for uninterrupted processing of up to 400 DBS cards. Bèta testing of the systems is expected to start by the Q4 this year.
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The pressure resistant clamp allows direct elution into to the LC-MS/MS system, but also to online SPE for added sample clean-up. The system further comprises a camera for spot inspection and bar-code reading. Internal standard is added to the desorption solvent automatically. The basic system comes with a robot that handles about 120 DBS cards. A SCARA-type robot is available for uninterrupted processing of up to 400 DBS cards. Bèta testing of the systems is expected to start by the Q4 this year.
For further information please visit or email
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