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JEOL USA showcases product updates in MS, SEM and NMR

JEOL USA, a leader in developing instruments used to advance scientific research and technology, is pleased to showcase the latest updates to its core product range at Pittcon 2020. JEOL has 70 years of expertise in the field of electron microscopy, more than 60 years in mass spectrometry and NMR spectrometry, and more than 50 years of e-beam lithography leadership.
Mass spectrometry (MS)
JEOL expanded its mass spectrometer product line with the development of a GC-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer system. The JMS-TQ4000GC accurately measures trace or residual pesticides in agricultural materials, trace levels of regulated chemicals in tap water, and simplifies quantitative analysis of persistent environmental pollutants such as dioxins and PCBs. JEOL brings a new level of throughput and performance to the widely used triple-quad mass spec technology, and its system achieves the fastest Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) switching speed in the industry at 1,000 channels/sec. Chemists can analyze multiple target compounds with high accuracy.
Another product adding to JEOL’s mass spectrometry line up is the SpiralTOF™-plus MALDI TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometer. Its time-of-flight optics design utilizes a figure-eight ion trajectory to allow a 17m flight path to fit in an extremely small console. This exceptionally long flight path results in an ultrahigh resolving power of >75,000 and sub-ppm mass accuracy. The versatile SpiralTOF is an essential research tool for state-of-the-art MS analyses of functional synthetic polymers, material science and biomolecules.
John Dane, Mass Spec Applications Chemist, JEOL USA, Inc. commented: “Customers are at the forefront of every innovation we make, and we’re excited to be able to offer an even higher level of analytical capability with our mass spectrometry products. We’re constantly looking for ways to make the life of a chemist easier and widening the possibilities of their research by providing increased functionality. High throughput and fast analysis remain key priorities and we’ve optimized these capabilities as well as adding to them with the state-of-the-art features of both the GC triple quad mass spec and the SpiralTOF mass spec.”
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
JEOL recently introduced the JSM-F100, a new Field Emission (FE) Scanning Electron Microscope with automated analytical intelligence. It has several features unique to the company’s FE-SEM product line, including NeoEngine, which employs analytical intelligence for optimizing electron beam setup and tuning. It corrects electron trajectories and automatically aligns the beam in real time, and corrects focus, brightness/contrast, and astigmatism. The embedded EDS with Live Analysis allows for real time imaging and elemental analysis, while the system’s Zeromag navigation function means users can seamlessly transition between optical imaging to nanoscale investigation with the high-powered optics of the SEM.
Dr. Natasha Erdman, FE-SEM Product Manager, JEOL USA, Inc. said: “Never before has FE-SEM been so easy to use. JEOL’s F100 FE-SEM offers a truly revolutionary approach to address users’ high-resolution microscopy and microanalysis needs. Operator controls are simplified and the SEM is fully automated for optimum performance. Imaging and analysis data are quickly obtained and reported through the effortless data management system. In a single platform, JEOL has combined the best electron optics with fully embedded EDS microanalysis and the powerful AI algorithms of NeoEngine to achieve the ultimate ease of use and streamlined workflow.”
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
JEOL’s ECZ600R ROYAL HFX Probe has been used to undertake some key experiments to introduce new 19F NMR methodology that looks set to add insight into the structure and conformational dynamics of a molecule and aid the design of strongly binding therapeutics.
NMR is already a key tool in the analyst’s armoury and now, with the 1H-PANIC correction of NOE intensities in 1H-observed 2D 1H-19F HOESY experiments, the accuracy of 1H-19F NOE-distance measurements can be maximized. The benefit of this increased accuracy provided by the JEOL HFX Probe offers scientists a clear and superior discrimination between rival structures – and an ability to improve the design of innovative drugs. The full experimental write up can be accessed in the journal of Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.
Dr. Michael Frey, Analytical Instruments Product Manager, JEOL USA, Inc. commented: “With the value of fluorine in small molecule drug molecules established, and the number of compounds approved and/or going through development that utilize at least one fluorine atom continuing its rapid rise, the need for better understanding of structure and confirmation remains important. Our ROYAL HFX Probe is providing a level of detailed analysis never seen before.”
JEOL USA are exhibiting at Pittcon 2020 on booth #3425.
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