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Fluorescence Alternatives to Popular Biological Assays: Caco-2, hERG, Radioligand Binding, and Chromium Release
As science evolves, new technologies and methods are continuously created that supplant older, outdated methods. The main reasons to replace outdated applications are: to save money, to save time, and to be safer. If a new application can do all three, its chance of successfully replacing an older technology greatly increases.

Now with the PHERAstar FS microplate reader from BMG LABTECH, there are safer, faster, and more cost-effective alternatives to the Caco-2 cell-based assay, the hERG patch clamp binding assay, receptor radioligand binding assays, and the radioactive chromium release assay (to name a few). Money will be saved by not buying specialized equipment for each assay. Time will be saved compared to whole cell Caco-2 assays and patch clamp hERG binding assays. In addition, fluorescence material is safer and less expensive than radioactive material for receptor binding or chromium release cytotoxicity assays.
Details of these alternative applications can be found in several PHERAstar FS application notes:
This application, using purified PGP protein in liposomes, occurs in minutes rather than days and is specific for just the PGP protein
A more cost-effective, faster alternative to the hERG patch clamp assay is the Predictor® hERG cellular FP assay from Life TechnologiesThis application saves money and time by allowing potential drugs to be prescreened before undergoing more tedious patch clamp screening
These whole cell ligand competition assays can now be performed without the use of dangerous, radioactive ligands.
This assay uses safer, time-resolved fluorescence material to measure cell mediated cell death.
These are just a few of the many fluorescent applications that have been developed on the PHERAstar series of microplate readers. The flexibility, sensitivity, and multi-functionality of the PHERAstar enables microplate based applications that were previously not possible.
Learn more about the PHERAstar FS, the Gold-standard for microplate readers, at
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