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Recent Articles in Separation science - Articles and Application notes

ALMSCO International
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Publishes Comprehensive Sample Preparation Reference Guide
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BladeCell Disposable Cuvette Improves DLS Productivity
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Debuts High-Performance Benchtop Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer at ASMS 2011
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US EPA to Begin Regulatory Process for Perchlorate in Drinking Water
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Spedia-NMR: Breakthrough in Bioprocess Optimization For Biologicals
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Controlling Flavors in Wine by Measuring Organic and Inorganic Acids
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Dionex Updates Application for More Sensitive Testing of Toxic Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water
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The New Reveleris iES Flash Chromatography System Discover More
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Rapid and Sensitive Determination of Pesticides Paraquat and Diquat in Drinking and Environmental Waters
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Dionex Releases New Application for Fast, Direct, and Selective Detection of Chelating Agents in Drinking Water
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Anasys scientific co-founder appointed to prestigious professorship in the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Automation of a Magnetic Bead Workflow for Protein Biomarker Quantification
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Biotage Introduces EVOLUTE WAX, Providing a Total Solution for Acidic Compounds
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces New Method for Ultra-Fast Inclusion Analysis in Steel
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Dionex Demonstrates Fast Yet Sensitive HPLC Analysis of N-Methylcarbamate Pesticides
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CHN Microanalysis: A Key Technique for Sample Characterisation
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New sample handling options for Biochrom Libra spectrophotometers
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Dionex Releases New Application Update for Faster and Improved Resolution in Testing for Contamination in Heparin
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Dionex Introduces New Column for Superior Separation of Structurally Related Isomers
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Demonstrates its FT-IR Instrumentation Gives Increased Confidence in Quality Assurance/Quality Control Testing in New Application Note
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Develops New Method for High Purity Aluminum Analysis Using Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry
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