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Free Webinar - Powder Characterization for Accurate Calibration of Discrete Element Method Simulations
Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations provide detailed representations of particulate processes, considering all particle-particle and particle-geometry interactions. DEM has been used to model different industrial process, from blending, powder conveying and tabletting.
To have detailed and accurate representation of the real material, a proper calibration of the DEM model parameters is essential. However, linking the material properties to the DEM model parameters is still challenging today. One promising method to achieve this goal is the use of digital twins, a virtual representation of well-defined powder characterization methods.
In this webinar, GranuTools will introduce two digital twins of powder characterization tools:
- Static angle of repose tester (GranuHeap)
- Dynamic angle of repose (GranuDrum)
GranuTools will show how the use of digital twins in combination with a characterization of the real material allows to improve the accuracy and reliability of the calibration procedure.
What you will learn
- What is the potential of DEM for industries?
- Why rigorous calibration of DEM is crucial?
- How does Granutools equipment calibrate DEM simulations of real materials?
- How do Granutools instruments provide deeper insights into the cohesive properties of the materials?
- How does DEM calibrated with Granutools instruments monitor and predict process performance?
Join GranuTools on 18 April at 4 PM CET and learn how the use of digital twins allows you to have a proper calibration of the DEM model parameters.
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