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Bruker Post Three New SCION GC-MS TQ Application Notes

Three new Application Notes evaluating the merits and varying applications of the double award winning SCIONTM gas chromatograph mass spectrometer triple quadrupole (GC-MS TQ), are now available from Bruker's dedicated SCION product website
This series of three Application Notes explore some of the innovative design features of Bruker's SCION TQ, highlighting the benefits of these features with data. The Application Notes include:
Evaluation of High Speed MRM Data Acquisition for GC-MS/MS use in Multi-Residue Analysis (authored by Qingyu (Helen) Sun, Felician Muntean, Zicheng Yang and Kefei Wang, Bruker Chemical & Applied Markets (CAM) division). In this application note, the performance of the collision cell in Bruker's SCION TQ MS is evaluated. The cell eliminates cross-talk at multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) scan speeds down to 1ms, as well producing a high quality signal. The results generated on the SCION TQ demonstrate excellent performance on MRM-based multi-residue analysis.
Optimizing Quadrupole Interfaces in a Lens-free Triple Quadrupole (authored by Felician Muntean and Roy Moeller, Bruker Chemical and Applied Markets (CAM) division). A method to reduce parasitic coupling or radio-frequency (RF) cross-talk at quadrupole interfaces is the focus of this application note. A ‘lens-free decoupler' interface cancels the cross-talk between quadrupoles without introducing a lens, thus retaining the benefits of a RF-only design such as efficiency, robustness and simple tuning.
A Compound-based Scanning Approach to Simplify Method Development and Data Processing for Multi-residue Analysis by GC-MS/MS (authored by Qingyu (Helen) Sun and Kefei Wang, Bruker Chemical & Applied Markets (CAM) division). In this application note, Bruker's compound-based scanning (CBS) software is described with its major benefit to the user of simplified method development for multi-residue analysis on SCION GC-MS TQ, reducing substantially the time taken to setup the method development which ultimately improves productivity. The results generated on the SCION TQ demonstrate good sensitivity, excellent reproducibility and robustness in a complex vegetable matrix.
To download the Application Notes visit or contact Bruker:
SCION TQ Winner of the 4th Annual Laboratory Equipment Readers' Choice Awards for Gas Chromatography products and Silver Medal Winner of Pittcon 2012 Editors' Award.
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