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Pittcon 2012 Announces Exposition Highlights

An up-to-date list of exhibitors can be found at Exhibitor List or Exhibitor Search.
The Exposition is international in scope with approximately 20% of the exhibiting companies headquartered in 29 countries outside of the United States such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, China, France, Germany, and Italy. The 499,247 square foot (total footage) exposition floor will include 1852 booths and 24 seminar rooms (counts as of February 15, 2012).This year, Pittcon will be welcoming 113 new exhibitors.
There will be three specialized areas on the exposition floor, New Exhibitor, Life Science, and Laboratory Informations (LIMS). For the first time, there will be a Japanese pavilion consisting of seven companies starting at booth #3404. Returning for 2012 is ICP Alley comprised of four companies beginning with booth #3559. Technology Park, located in the center of the floor, will present an interactive robotics display to include a DaVinci Robot and a surgical simulator. Professional personnel will also be available during select times to answer questions. In addition, the Park will offer free wi-fi, seating, complimentary copies of leading publications, and exhibitor videos on large screen monitors that will include a twitter feed. Posters will be displayed in two spots on the floor, the Red and the Blue areas, and new for this year, there will be 14 electronic posters on display. Exposition Only hours will be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday to allow conferees to visit the exhibits without missing any important technical sessions. Exposition mixers are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
For complete information on Pittcon 2012, visit
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