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Agar Scientific announces Fischione

Agar Scientific is a market leader in the supply of high quality accessories to assist with sample preparation for electron microscopy. As applications become more challenging, the sample preparation process has to be rapid, accurate, consistent and reproducible.
The Fischione Model 1050 TEM Mill is an excellent tool for creating thin, electron transparent specimens needed for TEM imaging and analysis. The Model 1050 incorporates two independently adjustable TrueFocus (patent pending) ion sources, liquid nitrogen specimen cooling, automatic gas control, and an oil-free vacuum system for ultra-clean specimen processing. The specimen holder accommodates double-sided milling to zero degrees without specimen shadowing. It also features a vacuum load lock for rapid specimen exchange. Tilt angles are continuously adjustable in the range from -10° to +10°. In addition to full specimen rotation with ion beam sequencing, the programmable rocking angle control is ideal for preparing cross-section (XTEM) specimens.
Ion milling is used on physical science specimens to reduce their thickness to electron transparency. Inert gas, typically argon, is ionized and then accelerated toward the specimen surface. By means of momentum transfer, the impinging ions sputter material from the specimen at a controlled rate. Liquid nitrogen cooling of the specimen stage is highly effective in eliminating artefacts.
Two TrueFocus ion sources direct controlled-diameter ion beams to the specimen regardless of energy. The unique design of the TrueFocus ion source maintains a small ion beam diameter, even at a low accelerating voltage. The ion beams can be focused on either one or both specimen surfaces. When operated in the upper energy range (up to 6.0keV), milling is rapid, even at low angles. When operated at low energy (as low as 100eV), material is gradually sputtered from the specimen without inducing artefacts.
The Model 1050 operates with minimal user intervention. It features a modular design for basic instrument operation or fully automated control. The universal control platform manages total instrument operation. The basic version of the Model 1050 is for users who require only primary level instrumentation function. The premium version of the Model 1050 adds full computer control for setting, operating, and recording a broad variety of instrument parameters. The ion milling process can be automatically terminated by temperature, by elapsed time, or by a laser photodetection system.
The Model 1050 TEM Mill accepts a stereo microscope to enhance specimen viewing. The microscope's long working distance allows the specimen to be observed in situ while milling. The Model 1050 can be configured with an imaging system including a high magnification microscope coupled to a CCD camera and video monitor to capture and display images.
The specifications of the Model 1050 are available to download from their website ( For further details of Fischione's sample preparation products and Agar's complete range of accessories and consumables for microscopy, please ask for a copy of their latest catalogue and price list.
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