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New OMNISEC from Malvern Instruments Brings Unmatched Performance in the Analysis of Synthetic Polymers
The unrivalled performance of OMNISEC, Malvern Instruments’ new gel permeation chromatography/size exclusion chromatography (GPC/SEC) system, is demonstrated in a series of recently released application notes which highlight the sensitivity of the system in synthetic polymer analysis.
The OMNISEC platform brings together highly efficient and precise sample separation in the OMNISEC RESOLVE module with a fully integrated, high sensitivity multi-detector array in the OMNISEC REVEAL module. A complete OMNISEC system delivers the accurate molecular weight and molecular size measurements and detailed structural information needed to drive synthetic polymer research.
The polymer industry is actively engaged in developing new materials with key performance attributes. Priorities include the introduction of renewable polymers to replace those derived from fossil fuels, formulating materials with improved performance to volume gearings for packaging applications, and enhancing polymer recyclability or biodegradability. Polymer scientists require absolute molecular weight, size and structural information in order to manipulate polymer properties to meet these goals.
The new application notes include ‘Measurements of absolute molecular weight of synthetic polymers using OMNISEC’ which demonstrates the ability of the system to accurately measure the molecular weight of polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polymethyl methyacrylate (PMMA) with no need for relevant calibration standards. ‘The Mark–Houwink plot – Differentiation of Branching and Composition’ demonstrates how the Mark-Houwink plot may be used to determine and compare polymer structure. The data presented show that OMNISEC is able to detect differences in branching with excellent levels of sensitivity, through its powerful light scattering detector and viscometer.
more information on OMNISEC | download the application notes
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