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A New App to Monitor Laboratory Freeze-Drying Process in Real-Time
A new mobile App designed for real-time temperature and pressure parameters monitoring during the freeze-drying process for laboratory lyophilizers has been developed by Telstar.
This new software has been customized for the Lyobeta and LyoBeta Mini lab freeze-dryers which are the standard and compact versions of a twin-vessel pilot-scale freeze-dryer designed for the field of experimentation and research and formulation, developing recipes for pharmaceutical freeze-drying processes.
Developed by the Telstar R+D department, the new mobile application has been created to monitor the freeze drying process in real-time, being able to constantly monitor temperature and pressure parameters. The software has also incorporated a mobile alert which warns the user of any problems, enabling the user to react accordingly. The new app for Lab freeze-dryers, designed to run on Android devices at the moment, will be developed for mobile IOS in the near future.
Taking advantage of the customer’s internal wireless network capabilities any Android-based portable device will be able to remotely connect to the equipment once the LyoBeta freeze dryer has been connected to the customer’s internal network. The current version of the app provides one-to-one equipment connection but multiuser connection capability, so the user can only be connected to a single freeze dryer but any freeze dryer can accept more than one user connected. In addition, the app provides a standard list of alarms/notifications that will pop-up during the process offering the possibility of configuring a desired alarm related to almost any process variable listed.
LyoBeta and LyoBeta Mini
LyoBeta is a range of twin-vessel pilot-scale freeze dryers designed by Telstar for the field of experimentation, and research and formulation, developing recipes for pharmaceutical freeze-drying processes. The LyoBeta rangeencompasses flexibility, high performance, and small foot print required in a laboratory unit, as well advanced process control systems, management software and interface features. It is therefore considered one of the most complete and efficient pilot units on the market. In addition to the standard range, LyoBeta Mini is a new compact version which offers an external condenser with a capacity of 6 Kg located separately from the product chamber; an innovative feature which is unusual in this range of compact bench-top equipment. This model of pilot-scale freeze dryer developed by Telstar bridges the gap in the market that was hitherto addressed through the use of larger scale laboratory equipment.
Telstar at Arablab 2017
Telstar will be present at Arablab (Dubai 2017, 20-23 March), exhibiting some of the latest developments in process equipment solutions for laboratories and research centres: Telstar Igloo, a compact and ecological ultra-low temperature freezer range, Telstar LyoQuest, a freeze dryer with integrated pre-freezing, primary drying and secondary drying processes, and Telstar Bio II Advance, the new generation of compact biological safety cabinets. Telstar at Arablab 2017: Booth 558
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