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Honey - A Novel Application for an Ancient Remedy helps Rose Cooper win a SPECTROstar Nano from BMG LABTECH

Professor Cooper is widely known for her research into the effects of Manuka honey on some of the most stubborn infections encountered in hospitals including MRSA, and her work shows that honey can make MRSA more sensitive to antibiotics such as oxacillin.
Professor Cooper and her group were impressed by the unrivalled capabilities of the SPECTROstar Nano and both it's compact size and small footprint.
The group study bacterial growth inhibition, biofilms, proteomics and gene expression, they require a reader offering flexibility, speed and sensitivity that is simple and easy to use. The capability of the SPECTROstar Nano to incubate at 370C with shaking and instantaneously capture a full UV-Vis spectrum to provide either end point or kinetic measurements in both cuvettes or microplates will also enable her group to study the kinetics of bacterial growth inhibition and cell death. The ability of the reader to perform well scanning will also provide more detailed information on the study of biofilm generation measuring RNA and protein.
"Overall the use of the SPECTROstar Nano will go a considerable way to helping our entire research group to elucidate the mode of action of honey against pathogenic bacteria and its action in synergy with antibiotics. The multiuser software package also means that everyone in the lab could use the machine and analyse data in a time efficient manner"
If you, like Professor Cooper, have a great idea on how the SPECTROstar Nano could redefine absorbance measurements in your lab, submit your entry before the next winner is chosen. Simply write a short 2-4 page proposal explaining how your lab would use this new and innovative absorbance reader.
Its proprietary ultra-fast spectrometer instantaneously captures a full UV-Vis spectrum in microplates, cuvettes and low volumes samples. Fast, full spectrum measurements will redefine the most common absorbance assays such as ELISAs, DNA, RNA, Protein (Bradford, BCA, Lowry), cell growth, and beta-galactosidase.
The proposals will benefit from using the SPECTROstar Nano in a unique fashion or from proposing to use one of the instrument's many unique features such as: full UV/Vis spectrum per well, gas vent for atmospheric control, 1536 well plate reading capability, incubation and shaking, reference corrections to improve data, cuvette and plate kinetics, BMG LATECH's low volume LVis Plate, or robotic interface mode.
For more information go to or ask your local BMG LABTECH representative.
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