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Uniqsis Reports Significant Growth in Flow Chemistry Market
Uniqsis Ltd., specialists in flow chemistry, has announced a 50% growth in sales and a significant increase in trading profit for their business year ending 31st January 2017.
During the year – Uniqsis achieved strongest growth in North America and Europe with a notable increase in sales of its high performance FlowSyn integrated continuous flow reactor systems for pharmaceutical, nanomaterials and academic research applications.
Mr Paul Pergande (Managing Director) said “The introduction of our entry-level FlowLab range of modular flow reactor systems and upgrades to the existing FlowSyn product range has delivered an increase in market share over the last year”. He added “Moreover, our ethos of continuous technical innovation backed by informed responsive support has resulted in further orders from several major international organisations”.
Reflecting upon technical developments in 2016, Dr Mark Ladlow (Chief Scientific Officer) commented “Our ability to develop unique new products such as the Flow-UV™ in-line UV-Vis detector and offer optimised specialist FlowSyn systems has enabled us to provide customised solutions for end users in petrochemicals, flavours and fragrances and agrochemicals”. He added “Investment made possible by our success last year is enabling Uniqsis to bring several exciting new products to market in 2017”.
Since 2007, Uniqsis has specialised in the design and supply of mesoscale continuous flow chemistry systems for a wide range of applications in chemical and pharmaceutical research. The company’s aim is to make flow chemistry easily accessible to both novices and experienced users.
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