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Spectroscopy veteran joins Shimadzu UK to drive UK sales forward

A veteran of the spectroscopy marketplace, Dr Keighley has more than 25 years' experience in sales and marketing of molecular and atomic spectroscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation and DNA sequencing. Dr Keighley previously worked for Beckman, from 1988 to 2000, in a number of roles including Product Manager for Analytical Centrifugation and Product Specialist for DNA sequencers. Between 2000 and 2010, Dr Keighley was with Varian/Agilent as Product Specialist for the Cary series of UV-Vis and NIR/FTIR products.
The Shimadzu range of spectroscopy products includes the versatile UV-1800, a high performance double-beam UV-Visible instrument which offers best in class bandwidth and resolution with the option of either self-control or computer control as required by the user. The instrument has been enjoying dramatic success in the last few months with strong growth in preceding years.
"Shimadzu products often keep surprising customers with their reliability, quality and attention to detail," explained Dr Robert Keighley. "Small touches seem to make a big difference to users. For example, in Shimadzu's FTIR-Affinity solution the company uses optics windows that do not fog over time. High throughput double-blazed gratings in the UV-1800 system, or enhanced safety features, such as tremor sensing in our AA-7000 instrument, all offer real benefits to the customer."
Dr Keighley continued: "Shimadzu has been growing steadily in the UK by gradually building up a loyal following of impressed users. With the launch of some exceptional new products, such as the UV-1800 UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the TOC-L series of combustion analyzers, the AA-7000 atomic absorption spectrophotometer and the FTIR-Affinity FTIR spectrometer, the company is now gearing up for rapid growth with the aim of capturing a larger slice of the UK market."
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About Shimadzu
Shimadzu is a world leader in the design and manufacture of products and services within a broad range of fields including bioresearch. The company's commitment to the philosophy of "contributing to Society through Science and Technology" forms its common managing concept throughout the world: "Solutions for Science since 1875". Instruments for analysis and measurement in industry and research, environmental testing and other bio-related equipment, and semi-conductor and media related equipment and software services are within Shimadzu's portfolio.
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