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Label-Free SoPRanoTM Assays Benefit from Microplate Readers with CCD Spectrometer Technology

A key feature to the SoPRanoTM label-free assay is that an absorbance reader can be used to measure the change in the LSPR signal upon binding, which manifests as a red-shift in the maximum absorbance wavelength (lmax). The specific spectral change upon ligand interaction depends upon the nature of the interactants. These specific changes provide both qualitative and quantitative information, therefore, full spectrum, far-red measurements (600-1000 nm) are necessary to fully analyze the SoPRanoTM label-free assay.
"Since the whole absorbance spectrum red-shifts when molecules bind to the SoPRanoTM GNR surface, a whole spectrum needs to be measured. In less than 1 second per well and at a resolution of 1 nm, our CCD spectrometer microplate readers can instantly capture an entire absorbance spectrum (220-1000 nm). Other microplate readers have to ‘build' the spectrum, this can take minutes and usually at a lower resolution. Thus BMG LABTECH's CCD spectrometer microplate readers are perfect for the SoPRanoTM label-free assay," says Dr. E.J. Dell, BMG LABTECH's International Marketing Director.
BMG LABTECH's MARS Data Analysis software allows for the SoPRanoTM ratiometric data analysis to be done quickly and efficiently. After performing these ratiometric calculations, one-site binding curves are plotted and Kds and IC/EC50s are determined.
"The BMG LABTECH spectrometer technology and dedicated MARS SoPRanoTM software enhance data quality and ease of use for SoPRanoTM users. The combination of the BMG LABTECH readers and SoPRanoTM technology now deliver label-free, high quality protein-protein interactions analysis at a cost level an order of magnitude lower than specialist SPR systems, making this valuable technique available to any life science lab", said Julian Abery, VP Business Development at PharmaDiagnostics.
BMG LABTECH is a leading developer of microplate readers with a wide range of measurement methods and focuses solely on microplate readers, offering the most diverse selection of optical detection systems in conjunction with integrated liquid handling equipment.
PharmaDiagnostics develops assay kits based upon their unique label-free technology platform, SoPRanoTM, to life science researchers engaged in biomolecular interaction analysis and label-free screening and detection of protein-protein interactions. SoPRanoTM is based upon the principle of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR), a variant of the well-known SPR principle. Unlike all other SPR technology platforms which require a dedicated specialist instrument, SoPRanoTM enables label-free screening using a standard absorbance plate-reader. For the first time label-free screening can be used in high throughput and without the burden of investing in and supporting an expensive dedicated instrument.
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