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Dolomite launches the new Porous Media Chip providing rapid advances in petro-chemical research
Dolomite has introduced the new Porous Media Chip, which enables statistically representative modelling of complex porous sandstone rock structures. The chip will find application in academic research (earth science and engineering), the petrochemical industry, environmental testing and groundwater analysis

The results can be used to estimate and predict the characteristics of soils and rocks. Operating over a wide pressure range up to 30 bar, the Porous Media Chip is compatible with Dolomite’s Top Interface 4-way and Linear Connector 4-way, allowing quick and reliable fluidic connection to 1.6mm OD tubing. Capillary connections can be added to increase the operating pressure up to 350 bar. The Porous Media Chip is also available in quartz for improved optical transmission.
For further information on Dolomite’s range of microfluidic chips as well as a complete portfolio of microfluidic products including chips, connectors/ interconnects, valves and custom devices please visit
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