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NEW product brochure available for ACE® ExcelTM Ultra Robust UHPLC Columns - with high efficiency 2µm particles and unique phases for rapid method development

ACE Excel Ultra Robust UHPLC columns offer you all the benefits that chromatographers have come to expect from ACE columns (exceptional reproducibility and robustness, combined with excellent quality and efficiency) but have been especially engineered to withstand the demanding conditions of UHPLC.
New High Efficiency 2µm ACE Particles - ACE Excel UHPLC columns are available in a new high efficiency 2µm particle size. Selectivity is unchanged from existing 3µm, 5µm and 10µm ACE HPLC phases. Excellent peak shape, great column-to-column reproducibility and exceptional column ruggedness is now available to UPLC and UHPLC users with ACE Excel UHPLC columns.
‘HSC' High Stability Columns - All ACE Excel UHPLC columns are manufactured using a proprietary ‘HSC' (High Stability Column) manufacturing process that results in ultra robust UHPLC columns.
Optimised UHPLC Hardware - ACE Excel columns utilise specially developed low dispersion hardware which enables high efficiency UHPLC separations up to a maximum pressure limit of 1,000 bar (15,000psi).
Unique Stationary Phases - ACE Excel 2µm columns are available with C18-PFP and C18-AR "Extra Resolving Power" phases. These two unique phases offer multiple mechanisms of separation and have been specifically developed to provide alternative selectivity to C18 phases. ACE Excel 2µm columns are also available with C18, C8, C4, CN, AQ, Phenyl and Silica phases.
Better UHPLC Results - The introduction of ACE Excel UHPLC columns means chromatographers now have more choices within their reach to achieve better results with their UPLC and UHPLC instruments.
Performance Boost for HPLC Instrumentation - ACE Excel 2µm UHPLC columns provide significantly lower back pressure than other UPLC and UHPLC columns packed with <2µm particles. Therefore ACE Excel 2µm columns may also be used on HPLC systems to provide a performance boost compared to standard HPLC columns (subject to HPLC system pressure limitations).
Maximise Column Lifetime/Reduce Analysis Costs - High performance, coupled with the lower back pressures of ACE Excel UHPLC columns, allow you to maximise UHPLC column lifetime, making ACE Excel UHPLC columns an excellent first choice when you need a cost effective, robust, high performance UHPLC solution.
The benefits of ACE Excel Ultra Robust UHPLC columns are clear.
For a copy of the new ACE Excel Ultra Robust UHPLC Columns product brochure contact or your local ACE distributor.
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