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Trastuzumab High Resolution Separation with new HALO 1000 C4 columns
A new application note demonstrating the high resolution separation of the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab has been published by Advanced Materials Technology (AMT). The separation is acheived in approximately 5 minutes at 80°C, under gradient conditions with UV detection.
Trastuzumab (MW ~148 kDa) is used to treat breast cancer. Enhanced resolution of trastuzumab and its variants is acheived using a new HALO 1000Å C4 column. HALO 1000Å C4 columns contain the world’s first 2.7 micron superficially porous silica particles with 1000Å pores. The pore size and structure of these particles enable molecules to achieve complete penetration of the porous structure, allowing enhanced interaction with more of the bonded surface for better retention and selectivity. This results in improved separations of these types of large molecules.
This application note and a technical brochure are available from Hichrom Limited and demonstrate the ability of HALO 1000Å C4 to provide valuable detailed information not possible to acheive when using particles with smaller pore sizes.
For more information or a copy of the technical brochure click here or email
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