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Hitachi High-Technologies Europe

Hitachi High-Technologies Europe

Hitachi High-Technologies Europe


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All articles from Hitachi High-Technologies Europe

  Hitachi High-Tech Europe launches the SU3800SE and SU3900SE Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes

Hitachi High-Tech Europe has introduced the SU3800SE and SU3900SE Schottky field emission scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) to offer fully automatic optical alignment, allowing high-resolution results to be achieved quickly and easily by any user. The large sample handling and variable pressure operation means they can accommodate a wide range of sample types, and the powerful automation tools enable easy acquisition of large datasets...


  European HITACHI-Workshop at Fraunhofer IMWS

The Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS expands its range of microstructure diagnostics with Hitachi's HF5000 field emission transmission electron microscope. The presentation of the new microscope took place during a workshop in Halle (Saale). In this meeting, international experts were presented with novel microscopy technologies....


  Hitachi High-Technologies Launches Two New Scanning Electron Microscopes

Hitachi High-Technologies is set to launch two new scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), which will be unveiled at the 33rd Control in Stuttgart, Germany, between the 7th and 10th May. The SU3800 and oversized SU3900 SEMs feature the ability to accommodate large, heavy specimens, along with advanced functionalities for automated measurement and wide-angle camera navigation. ...


  Hitachi launches new TM4000 series benchtop SEM

The world leader in benchtop SEM launches a new generation instrument offering more advanced electron microscope capabilities with incredible ease of use.

In 2005 Hitachi introduced the first commercial benchtop SEM, where high quality electron microscopy could be achieved quickly and easily by any operator. The concept was rapidly adopted by industry and academia for a wide range of fields including failure analysis, quality control, materials science and life science research, with over 3700 instruments in use....



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