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The New ACQUITY UPLC H-Class - HPLC familiarity with UPLC performance
If you are performing routine analyses or developing methods, or just prefer the flexibility of multi-solvent capabilities in a quaternary-based system, the only choice has been HPLC. Until now.
With the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class, your laboratory can achieve UPLC-quality separations without changing the way you work. The familiar design of the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class's Quaternary Solvent Manager (QSM) and Sample Manager (SM-FTN), with flow-through needle design, gives you all the flexibility and usability of your current HPLC while still achieving the highly efficient separations that only UPLC can provide.
- Multi-solvent blending: The QSM blends four solvents in any combination or proportion. Expand to up to nine solvent choices with the optional internal solvent-select valve for flexibility with methods.
- Direct inject sampling: The needle-in-flow path of the SM-FTN delivers high-precision injections with excellent sample recovery, with specialized technology that ensures an accurate needle seal at high pressure.
- Next-generation column compartments: Our new UPLC column heaters and managers are standardized with easy-to-access, low-volume, active solvent pre-heaters, resulting in the same efficiency system to system. Column pre-heaters ensure consistent thermal performance; column managers offer multi-zone flexibility with a temperature range of 4 to 90 °C, and are stackable.
- Managed dwell volume: The ACQUITY UPLC H-Class's patent-pending SmartStart Technology automatically manages gradient start time and pre-injection steps in parallel. By overlapping these typically serial processes, cycle time is minimized.
For further information please visit, call 0208 238 6100 or email
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