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NIR Spectroscopy
Metrohm is proud to present its latest monograph, a practical guide to near-infrared spectroscopic analysis in manufacturing processes.
The new monograph covers all aspects of NIR Spectroscopy starting from a summary of theory of vibrational spectroscopy and ending with an overview of industrial applications, a glossary, and references to additional literature. The new monograph is free and can be downloaded from the company’s website.
The scope of the new Metrohm monograph on NIR spectroscopy (44 pages) is described best by the table of contents:
- Theory of vibrational spectroscopy
- NIRS, MIR, and Raman
- Chemometrics
- NIR spectral region
- NIR analysis methods
- NIR instrumentation
- NIR analysis strategies
- Industry sectors and applications
- Standards
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