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New Andersen Cascade Impactor (ACI) cleaning system from Copley Scientific

Cascade impactors such as the ACI are precision-engineered instruments. The accuracy of the results they deliver relies on their appropriate use and maintenance. Regular cleaning and drying ensures that the performance critical nozzles are debris-free prior to testing and helps to maintain optimal performance. Ultrasonic cleaning is a widely used and highly effective technique, if applied correctly.
The ACI cleaning system includes a purpose designed carrying rack, an ultrasonic cleaning bath, a rinse bath, a suction aspirator and drying oven. The carrying rack has designated apertures for all parts of the impactor including the inlet cone, induction port and pre-separator. It allows the safe transport of an ACI and is ideal for storing impactors when not in-use. The cleaning bath and oven both have a number of controlled variables for repeatable, automated operation. Together these modules provide an easy-to-use integrated system that occupies just 1.8 m of valuable bench space.Media Partners