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Multi-attribute testing for colloidal stability and size
Walk-up or automated measurements of size, particle concentration and zeta potential
Advances in nanoparticle and protein development have introduced complex solutions with a narrow window for achieving optimal efficacy and safety. Addressing these challenges requires precise control over charge, size and distribution. The ZetaStarTM instrument integrates dynamic, static and electrophoretic light scattering (DLS/SLS/ELS) measurements into a single system offering a comprehensive approach to measuring and monitoring these critical parameters providing:
size and size distribution
zeta potential (charge)
particle concentration
stability indicators (Tm, Tagg, A2)
Where does this help? Take the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for mRNA vaccines for example, they must be sufficiently small for safe injection and to escape the immune system, but sufficiently large to encapsulate the therapy. On top of that, their charge density needs to be high enough to avoid self-agglomeration and but low enough to deliver their cargo.
The ZetaStar instrument provides the capability for automated, unattended screening of a large range of sample and buffer conditions, which increases efficiency and reduces time to market. This is especially relevant for scientists working to develop more stable gene therapies and vaccines, as the treatable population diminishes once the first treatment becomes available on the market.
For even greater throughput, the ZetaStar DLS can be paired with the Arc™ HPLC autosampler. This allows scientists to expediate the development of ideal treatments. Click below to learn more about how you can understand your biophysical attributes through intelligent instrumentation.
Product Video - DynaPro™ ZetaStar™
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