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International webinar series to be continued

The launch of the new series of webinars from Greiner Bio-One GmbH in April 2011 was a resounding success, with 160 participants following the first lecture. This success comes as no surprise to Managing Director Heinz Schmid: "A webinar enables our customers - universities, research institutes as well as pharmaceutical and biotech companies throughout the world - to get information in real time and, above all, regardless of where they are located. In April, we welcomed participants from 25 countries, notably from the U.S., Canada and Asia, but also from South Africa and New Zealand." In Schmid's view, this kind of event greatly facilitates communication for customers and other interested parties, particularly for new, highly innovative applications, because participants can not only experience the presentations live but also ask the speakers questions directly.
Owing to high demand from German-speaking customers, the latest webinars will be held in both English and German. Registration is free via the Greiner Bio-One website:
Previous webinars can be accessed online.
Autumn 2011 events
Microscopy and live cell imaging 15 September 2011
Embryonic stem cell cultivation: 26 October 2011
Optimising parameters for ELISA in microplates: 17 November 2011
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