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Simple and Reliable Determination of Acesulfame in Vinegar
Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed an efficient high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using a mixed-mode column, the Thermo Scientific™Acclaim™ Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column, with ultraviolet detection for a rapid and sensitive determination of acesulfame in vinegar.
Application Note 1104: Rapid and Sensitive Determination of Acesulfame in Vinegar demonstrates that this approach offers the advantages of simple sample preparation, good method reproducibility, and a wide linear calibration range. This new method also achieves a detection limit much lower than that specified by the Standardization Administration of China.
Acesulfame is extensively used as a sugar substitute in foods and beverages. The Standardization Administration of China allows acesulfame to be added to fermented vinegar products, but limits the added amount to no more than 4 μg/mL. Therefore, an efficient method is needed to sensitively and rapidly determine acesulfame in fermented vinegar. This new HPLC approach is more stable and less susceptible to interference than HPLC methods previously developed for this analysis.
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