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Researchers Respond Enthusiastically to Chromatrap Technology

The Porvair Chromatrap spin column approach offers significant advantages compared to methods based on sepharose or magnetic beads, which involve many steps of separation, pipetting and re-suspension. Independent tests with Chromatrap demonstrate levels of DNA pull down up to 25 times higher than with traditional bead based procedures, excellent DNA enrichment with signal-to-noise ratios typically 2 to 3 times better than competing procedures and top performance even with samples with as few as 15,000 cells per assay.
Kevin Quinlan, Business Development Manager for the Chromatrap technology commented "Early adopters of ChromaTrap have been delighted at the increased efficiency and precision they can routinely achieve compared to traditional bead-based ChIP technologies". He added "Many of the pharmaceutical, healthcare and academic researchers we met at the recent congresses highlighted the need for a simpler technology to alleviate problems experienced with current ChIP assays and consequently have committed to evaluate Chromatrap technology".
For further information please visit or contact Porvair Filtration Group on +44-1489-864330 /
Porvair Filtration Group is an international leader in the development and supply of materials and products for filtration and separation applications. Their expertise in a wide range of media and the dedication of their design, manufacturing, sales, test and research teams ensure they are at the forefront of filtration technology, delivering world class performance to the Life Science, Aerospace, Defence, Nuclear, Energy, Chemical Process, Industrial Process, Water Treatment and Printing markets. With offices and manufacturing sites located in the UK, Europe and the USA combined with a world-wide network of market representatives and distributors, they pride themselves on their continuous innovation and research to meet global demands.
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