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Mastersizer 3000 wins best new instrument award in China
Instruments' Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer has been
awarded ‘Best New Instrument of the Year 2011' by the Annual Conference of
China Scientific Instruments 2012 (ACCSI 2012) held in March 2012 in Beijing. A
total of 533 new instruments from 257 companies were proposed for the award and
the Mastersizer 3000, which was launched in September 2011, was one of only 23
new instruments declared winners.
The Annual Conference of China Scientific Instruments 2012 (ACCSI 2012) was hosted by the China Instruments Manufacturers Association, the China Instrument Society Analytical Instrument Branch and, and was co-organized by the China Association for Instrument Analysis.
With an extended dynamic range that spans 0.01 to 3500 microns, the Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer delivers precise, robust wet and dry measurements right across the milli-, micro- and nano-meter size ranges.
Friendly and intuitive software drives every Mastersizer 3000 measurement, bringing operator- independent analysis and offering data generation tailored to individual customer needs, with presentation options as diverse as the industries it serves. The process of method development has been streamlined, with access to Malvern's extensive know-how provided when and where it is needed. This is all backed by gold standard applications support from Malvern teams around the world, whose collective experience is second to none.
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The Annual Conference of China Scientific Instruments 2012 (ACCSI 2012) was hosted by the China Instruments Manufacturers Association, the China Instrument Society Analytical Instrument Branch and, and was co-organized by the China Association for Instrument Analysis.
With an extended dynamic range that spans 0.01 to 3500 microns, the Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer delivers precise, robust wet and dry measurements right across the milli-, micro- and nano-meter size ranges.
Friendly and intuitive software drives every Mastersizer 3000 measurement, bringing operator- independent analysis and offering data generation tailored to individual customer needs, with presentation options as diverse as the industries it serves. The process of method development has been streamlined, with access to Malvern's extensive know-how provided when and where it is needed. This is all backed by gold standard applications support from Malvern teams around the world, whose collective experience is second to none.
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