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How to reduce laboratory costs, turnaround times, improve results quality and increase analytical throughput

Routine Analytical Quality Control
The most effective way of monitoring an Instrument's performance is to regularly use Analytical Quality Control (AQC) samples with independently verified or known results. Once placed in an instrument they are run at regular intervals and can be used to flag discrete changes in instrument performance leading to over or under reporting of result values. Whilst simple flagging against a target value is straightforward, the tools used to identify trends use specific statistical calculations and chart types. CSols have developed a dedicated software tool for AQC analysis called AqcTools that lets analysts and QA Managers perform statistical analysis chart AQC data:
- when instrument runs complete so that the AQCs can be correctly evaluated before releasing results
- on the instrument workstation so there is no need to export and transfer the AQC results to a separate workstation or Excel
- easily without having to navigate functions not relevant to the AQC analysis
- record all data and any decisions taken during the interpretation for
auditing and for further analysis.
Remote Sampler for External / Remote Sampling
CSols Remote Sampler ruggedized handheld computer solution, widely used in the UK & European Water Industries, was specifically developed for external sample collection in response to the overwhelming need to:
- simplify and reduce the costs of sample collection
- provide a paperless trail of custody with full audit control throughout the life of the sample to meet regulatory requirements e.g. UK Drinking Water Inspectorate (Water), Food Standards Agency
- to take full advantage of highly automated systems like LIMS that are already
in place
CSols BactiAnalyst for Microbiological Testing
Microbiological analysis is an extremely common technique used in many industries but is especially important in the Water, Public Health and Food sectors. Except in very high throughput situations, most analysis work is carried out completely manually and data handling uses paper worksheets. Driven by the overwhelming need to:
- reduce the high rates of transcription errors and increase the consistency of data treatment
- help meet analysis deadlines by reducing the average laboratory turnaround
times, and
- increase the level of sample traceability and auditability across the whole analysis process to meet regulatory requirements e.g. UKAS, MCERTS, DWI, ISO 17025, EA, EPA and national / international regulations
CSols developed the BactiAnalyst microbiological testing ruggedized handheld computing solution to meet the above requirements.
To discuss reducing your costs and turnaround times, improving your results quality and increasing your analytical throughput then please email:
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