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Host of new Bibby Scientific products heading for ACHEMA 2012

The Jenway spotlight will be focussed on the new Genova Plus - a spectrophotometer dedicated to life science analysis, the new Genova Nano - Jenway's first ever micro-volume spectrophotometer and the 6850 - a variable spectral bandwidth double beam spectrophotometer.
The Genova Plus and Genova Nano are UV/visible spectrophotometers with pre-programmed methods for the measurement of nucleic acid concentration and purity, as well as protein assays. The Genova Nano gives users the flexibility to measure sample volumes down to 0.5µl by pipetting the sample directly onto the read head, as well as being able to measure standard samples in cuvettes.
These versatile life science spectrophotometers can also be used as a standard spectrophotometer with measurement modes for photometrics, multi-wavelength, concentration, spectrum scanning, kinetics and quantitation.
The 6850 UV/visible spectrophotometer is Jenway's first double-beam instrument with a variable spectral bandwidth. The double beam optics and two detectors measure the sample and reference simultaneously for optimum measurement accuracy and stability over long periods of time. The 6850 variable spectral bandwidth of 0.5nm, 1nm, 2nm, 4nm or 5nm, gives flexibility whilst ensuring compliance to European Pharmacopeia requirements.
Visit Bibby Scientific at ACHEMA in Hall 4.2, Stand D35 or for further information click here
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