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HALO-5 5
publication date: Oct 23, 2012
author/source: Hichrom
HALO-5 5µm HPLC columns are based on the same proven Fused-Core particle technology as original HALO 2.7µm columns but have been developed by fusing a 0.6µm porous silica layer on to the surface of a 3.8µm solid core particle

Key features of HALO-5 columns include:
- High efficiencies at fast flow rates
- Low back pressure well suited to traditional HPLC instruments
- C18 and PFP phases
- Scalable from UHPLC separations developed on 2.7µm HALO columns
HALO Fused-Core particle technology columns are the original and proven Fused-Core technology columns and are also available as 2.7µm particle size columns in nine different phases:
- C18
- C8
- HILIC (unbonded silica)
- RP-Amide
- Phenyl-Hexyl
- Peptide ES-C18 phases
- Penta-HILIC
For further information on any HALO original Fused-Core products please contact authorised distributor Hichrom Limited on Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 or e-mail:
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