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Essential Factors In Freeze Drying Scale-Up
SP Scientific, a world leader in freeze drying technology, has announced a new LyoLearn webinar that will discuss the critical product parameters and environmental factors that affect freeze drying scale-up procedures.
The rational development and optimization of freeze drying cycles in the laboratory should be based on knowledge of the critical formulation parameters, such as the collapse temperature. Once a recipe has been finalized that ensures acceptable product temperatures throughout the process, the transfer to manufacturing scale can be initiated. The aim of this scale up step should be to closely imitate the product temperature profile obtained in the laboratory to ensure comparable product quality. To achieve this, several important factors have to be taken into consideration.
Chaired by Dr Stefan Schneid of the University of Erlangen, Freeze Drying Focus Group - the scope of the June 17th 2010 webinar will be to discuss the most important parameters in freeze drying scale-up such as nucleation behaviour, differences in heat transfer, freeze dryer design and performance and their impact on product quality will be surveyed. Additionally, methods to evaluate and compensate differences between freeze dryers and the use of placebo or fractional loads for preliminary studies will be evaluated.
SP Scientific's program of free educational webinars devoted to freeze-drying topics follow a 30-minute format for the presentations with a Q&A session immediately afterwards. To register for the June 17th 2010 webinar please visit or contact SP Scientific on +1-845-255-5000 (+44-1473-240000 in Europe).
SP Scientific is a leading manufacturer of laboratory to production scale freeze dryers / lyophilizers, centrifugal evaporators and concentrators, thermal control system and glassware washers. The company sells its products under well-known brands including Hotpack®, VirTis®, FTSTM and Genevac®. SP Scientific has ISO 9001:2000 registered production facilities in the USA and Europe.
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