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Economic Approach to Protein Precipitation Sample Preparation
The Combipack™ is Porvair Sciences economic response to the growing use of protein precipitation separation techniques in chromatography labs.

Based upon the industry standard MicroLute™ 96-well format, the p3 plate uses the CRASH method in which protein in samples is denatured with acetonitrile and the flocculent filtered out. A novel dual filter matrix retains sample in the wells of the p3 plate until required to release by vacuum or pressure. The use of a prefilter on top of an oleophobic filter eliminates blockages commonly found with other protein precipitation plates especially when handling high protein samples. The p3 has been proven in independent tests to eliminate the mess and complex sample preparation (no centrifuging, no vortexing) traditionally associated with protein precipitation techniques. Manufactured to the standard ANSI/SBS footprint all plates in the Combipack are fully automation compatible.
For further information and an additional 20% discount voucher, for orders place before 31st October 2012, please visit or contact Porvair Sciences on +44-1372-824290 /
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