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A New 'Guide to Dry Down Solvent Evaporators
In any laboratory workflow there are bottlenecks that limit achievable efficiency improvements in sample throughput. Analytical and life science laboratories commonly employ sample preparation processes that produce samples diluted in a solvent which then have to concentrated or dried down before being analyzed or reconstituted in a known volume of buffer. Depending on the type of solvent, and its volume, this dry down stage is very often a rate determining bottleneck.
A new 'Guide to Dry Down Solvent Evaporators' from Porvair Sciences offers an informative insight into traditional bottlenecks in chromatography sample preparation workflows and describes how blowdown evaporators work. Further the guide looks at factors that can enhance the speed and efficiency of sample dry down in microplates and vials and provides advice on how to choose the right evaporator for your laboratory.
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