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Copley Scientific demonstrates detergent tester at CESIO 2011

The Copley Scientific Tergotometer is a convenient and economical laboratory-scale system that is widely used to test the effectiveness of soaps and detergents or the washability and colourfastness of fabrics and other materials. To do this it mimics the action of a domestic washing machine using eight individual one-litre washing machine simulators. This scaled down test environment minimises the quantity of detergent required during development and QC processes, whilst maximising accuracy and throughput in a laboratory environment.
A series of eight paddles agitate the contents of each vessel at speeds from 50-200 rpm while an external digital heater/circulator controls the temperature in the range of 0-70°C.
Optional extras include a refrigeration unit that reduces the temperature of the vessels to 0°C, stainless steel paddles, paddles that allow attachment of small fabric pieces and a modification that enables the agitation to be reversed every ten revolutions.
For further details about the Tergotometer, or any of the other detergent testing equipment available from Copley Scientific, please visit
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