The latest generation freeze drying microscope, Lyostat4, offers superior LED illumination for a sharper image and reduced maintenance. Its new design also reduces footprint.
Freeze drying microscopy is an established technique for accurately and easily establishing the point of collapse, the most important critical temperature for developing safe and robust freeze drying cycles. Essentially operating as a micro freeze-dryer, FDM enables freezing and drying of a real sample to be observed in real time. As FDM analysis is based on visual identification rather than thermal data, it’s vital to ensure maximum image clarity and resolution. The Lyostat 4 provides the latest generation LED light source for even sharper image....
Freeze drying microscopy is an established technique that allows observation and recording of sample structure during freeze-drying. This enables collapse temperature to be determined, as well as observation of many other events such as crystallisation and the effects of thermal treatment.
New Rotary Vial Washer for Small Batches
May 29, 2012Many pharmaceutical products are being produced in smaller batches. Targeted products may be too specific for large batch sizes, and for products with a short shelf life producing small amounts as and when may be the only option. PennTech have responded to customer demand by introducing a smaller version of the RW rotary vial washer. The RW-250 is an extremely compact c-GMP vial washer that offers the same automated wash cycle as the rest of the family of PennTech vial washers (RW-500, RW-800 and RW-1150) but in an ultra-small footprint and just requiring manual loading...
Freeze Drying Specialists BTL Announce New Cytotoxic Capability
May 9, 2012Biopharma Technology Ltd (BTL) have completed construction of a new standalone cleanroom, enabling them to provide freeze drying R&D services for cytotoxic products. Freeze drying is a complex operation and many drug developers outsource development to contract research organisations specialist in this field. However, few CROs with freeze drying expertise have the ability to handle cytotoxic drugs safely...
New and Improved Lyophilisation Training Courses
Jun 14, 2011Lyophilisation, or freeze drying, is an important process in many areas of research and production with applications in areas such as vaccines, diagnostics, regenerative medicine, functional foods, materials science and medical devices. For high value products such as these it is vital to have a thorough understanding of both theory and practice to avoid expensive delays and waste...
Training in Lyophilization Technology
Jan 19, 2011Freeze drying experts BTL announce dates for training courses in lyophilization technology. BTL have been providing training in freeze drying technology since 1997, bringing together scientific theory with real-life examples and practical knowledge from industry experts