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Heating Block System Helps Improve Stability Studies

Traditionally the CRO had used an offline heating source to heat samples coming from its UPLC system - the process was highly labour intensive, involving manual transfer of samples to and from the UPLC autosampler.
In conjunction with chemists at Asynt, a new, efficient method was developed using a custom designed heating block with locators and format to fit the UPLC autosampler as well as an offline heating tray compatible with a hotplate stirrer. The new system has been demonstrated to provide more uniform heating to all UPLC samples, eliminate sample mix-ups and significant reduce the labour intensity of the whole process. The CRO reports that the Asynt custom UPLC heating block system not only has improved their productivity but also is producing more accurate, repeatable thermal stability measurements.
For further information, or to discuss a process that could benefit from a custom heating system please contact Asynt on +44-1638-781709 /
Asynt is a leading supplier of affordable products, consumables and services for chemists in industry and academia. With staff of trained chemists - Asynt is able to draw upon this in-depth applications knowledge to provide a high level of customer support for its DrySyn Heating Blocks, Controlled Lab Reactors, Synthesis Tools, Evaporators, Circulators, Temperature Control Systems, Vacuum Pumps and Laboratory Safety Equipment.
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