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Biotech Innovators Exhibiting at SBS 2010 Exhibit Hall
Phoenix, AZ - April 14, 2010: The Society for Biomolecular Sciences (SBS) celebrated the grand opening of their Exhibition Hall at the SBS 16th Annual Conference & Exhibition at the Phoenix Convention Center yesterday. The event will run through April 15. Incoming SBS President Michelle Palmer, Ph.D. and Exhibit Chair, Winnie Subramaniam, Ph.D., were present for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
"We're very excited for this year's exhibit hall which brings 154 companies from around the globe to one place - SBS' 16th Annual Conference & Exhibition," said Palmer. "We also have 35 companies launching new products and it's an exciting opportunity to explore everything the exhibit hall has to offer."
Inside the SBS 2010 Exhibit Hall 156 companies will be exhibiting new technologies, products and services at more than 230 booths. Attendees may also view over 300 poster presentations in the Exhibit Hall. The top ten poster winners will be announced today.
"With over 230 exhibitors demonstrating emerging technologies and introducing new products, and poster presentations targeting 13 key market segments, attendees will have an opportunity for face-to-face interaction with prospects & industry leaders," said Subramaniam.
Headquartered in Danbury, CT, the Society for Biomolecular Sciences (SBS) is the only international non-profit scientific society dedicated to drug discovery and its related disciplines. SBS was founded in 1994 to provide a forum for global education and information exchange among professionals in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotech, and agrochemical industries. SBS members represent many of the largest and most influential research institutes, universities and pharmaceutical companies in the world, including the National Cancer Institute, University of California, Berkeley, Harvard University, government agencies and organizations, and most major companies involved in drug discovery.Media Partners