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ANTRUK Launches Small Research Grants Scheme
publication date: May 10, 2018
author/source: Antibiotic Research UK
Calling All Antibiotic Resistance Researchers
Antibiotic Research UK (ANTRUK) the world’s first charity tackling bacterial antibiotic resistance invites researchers to apply for a grant under our Small Research Grants scheme (maximum sum per grant = £4,000pa for up to three years). Grants should focus on 1) antibiotic resistance or 2) new antibiotic therapies or 3) health and societal impact of antibiotic resistance and how it could be avoidedGrants can be applied for in the following areas;
- Top up grants for PhD students. Monies could be paid by the commercial arm of our charity ANTRUK Enterprises Ltd, an SME enabling PhD studentships to be converted to CASE studentships. A 3-month internship in the charity would be associated with these grants
- Small equipment purchases
- Travel for PhD students or junior lecturers to attend an overseas conference.Applicants must have confirmation that their abstract(s) are accepted for oral orposter presentation
- Visits to other laboratories to undertake collaborative research
- To support small scale research projects
- Consumable purchases to support ongoing research
- Pilot studies
All applications will be reviewed by ANTRUK’s Science Committee. ANTRUK will use the scoring system developed by the Medical Research Council for use by independent referees.
The top scoring applications may be shortlisted for external review and in this instance will be sent to at least two independent reviewers for peer review. ANTRUK’s Trustees will be asked to ratify decisions to award grants.
To apply please complete the Small Grants Research application form and send this, as well as any accompanying documents to
CLOSING DATE: 30 June 2018
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