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Ocean Optics Adds Miniature NIR Spectrometer for Research and Education
Flame-NIR brings the power of NIR analysis to research and teaching labs
Ocean Optics has expanded its Flame spectrometer family. Flame-NIR delivers powerful near infrared spectroscopy in a compact, affordable instrument. With a cost about one-fourth that of a traditional NIR system, Flame-NIR pairs a high performance uncooled InGaAs array detector with a small optical bench for spectral response from 950-1650 nm. A replaceable slit design provides great flexibility for a wide range of NIR applications in chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, earth science, and chemical engineering. Flame-NIR is suited for use in applied research, basic research and teaching labs, and is compact enough to be used for field investigation.
Flame-NIR is sensitive, fast and easy to use. Unlike other lower-cost NIR spectrometers, Flame-NIR uses an InGaAs diode array detector for high sensitivity with concurrent measurement of all wavelengths. It also delivers high thermal stability and low unit to unit variation without compromising the flexibility and configurability that are the hallmark of modular, miniature spectrometers. Spectrometers come preconfigured or custom configured, with a replaceable slit design that enables users to adjust resolution and throughput on demand. Complete systems, including accessories such as fibers and light sources, can be configured for under $10,000 (USD). Until March 18, 2016 Ocean Optics is offering a 10% discount on Flame-NIR spectrometer pricing.
Flame-NIR benefits from high precision alignment methods that elevate spectrometer performance for a range of demanding applications. Because its design is not dependent on thermo-electric cooling, it has relatively low power consumption. This design, coupled with a small footprint (89.1 mm x 63.3 mm x 31.9 mm) and low weight (265 g), make it ideal for field deployment.
Operation of Flame-NIR is plug and play. A choice of USB or RS-232 communications, supported by drivers and software, makes it easy to integrate into almost any system. Indicator LEDs show continuous power and data transfer status. Flame-NIR is compatible with Ocean Optics’ range of light sources, optical fibers, sampling accessories and software.
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