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Leica Microsystems Launches the First Fully Automated One-step Dual Chromogen IHC Detection System for Use With Antibody Cocktails

"When tissue is limited and diagnostic decisions are needed, the most effective use of tissue sections becomes imperative" comments Konstantin Fiedler, Vice President of Advanced Staining for Leica Microsystems. "The turnaround times achievable with our new ChromoPlex range open the door to faster patient management, while maintaining the diagnostic confidence pathologists demand to make the right decisions. Laboratories can choose antibodies from different sources, ensuring the most effective combinations of antibodies to aid diagnosis can always be used".
"The dual staining obtained using the ChromoPlex 1 detection system is attractive, crisp and consistent; ideal when assessing challenging prostatic biopsies," states Dr Geoffrey Hulman MD FRCPath, Consultant Histopathologist at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, where the detection technology was evaluated in cooperation with the Nottingham Health Science Biobank. Dr Claire Hawkes PhD, CSci comments that "historically, we encountered problems with dual staining and efforts to stain up commercial cocktails have been largely unsuccessful. The ChromoPlex 1 detection system, however, enables quick easy staining of both commercial and in-house home-brew cocktails, with excellent results."
ChromoPlex 1 Dual Detection is a biotin-free, polymeric horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-linker and polymeric alkaline phosphatase (AP)-linker antibody conjugate system for the detection of tissue-bound mouse and rabbit IgG primary antibodies. The small multifunctional linkers enhance tissue penetration, producing high sensitivity. The excellent contrast between the Fast Red and DAB chromogens allows for easy antigen differentiation.
ChromoPlex 1 Dual Detection for BOND is intended for staining sections of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue for use on Leica BOND-MAX and BOND-III automated IHC staining systems. It can be used simultaneously with both Novocastra BOND Polymer Refine and Polymer Refine Red Detection, allowing unparalleled flexibility in staining protocols and workflow efficiency.
ChromoPlex 1 Dual Detection for BOND will be available for sale from December 1, 2011 in the United States of America and the European Union. Devices advertised may not have been licensed in accordance with Canadian law.
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