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Coulometry to go

The 899 Coulometer does not need much space because it has its own magnetic stirrer built in. There is no need for a support rod either. An integrated holder keeps the titration cell safely standing on the upper side of the instrument.
No socket around to plug in the power cord? No problem with the 899 Coulometer. In this case, users can rely on the instrument's independent power supply that comes with an optional Power Box containing a set of rechargeable batteries. This means users can perform coulometric determinations of the water content almost anywhere they want!
At the same time, the 899 Coulometer provides the capabilities of a full-grown Metrohm Coulometer. Thus, it can be linked to a manual oven (860 KF Thermoprep) or to an 885 Compact Oven Sample Changer for fully automated thermal sample preparation and subsequent coulometric determination of the water content.
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