Controlling Flavors in Wine by Measuring Organic and Inorganic Acids

DionexDionex is pleased to announce a new method that enables a higher-resolution separation of the organic acids and inorganic anions found in wine. Using a Dionex ICS-5000 system with an OmniPac® PAX-100 Analytical column and IonPac® ATC-HC Trap column, this application demonstrates that ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection is an efficient and sensitive method for monitoring a wide variety of common acids, both organic and inorganic.

Application Note 273: Higher Resolution Separation of Organic Acids and Common Inorganic Anions in Wine
applies this approach to four red and white wine samples. Testing to validate the repeatability and accuracy of this method shows that this is a reliable method for determining important organic and inorganic acids in wine. Such determination is helpful because the flavors imparted by wine are in part due to its organic acid composition, which contributes to the overall acidity and tartness of a wine. The maturation of a wine also can be followed by changes in organic acid composition that can create flavors that are either pleasing or undesirable.

Dionex (NASDAQ:DNEX) is a global leader in the manufacturing and marketing of liquid chromatography and sample preparation systems, consumables, and software for chemical analysis. The company's systems are used worldwide in environmental analysis and by the life sciences, chemical, petrochemical, food and beverage, power generation, and electronics industries. Our expertise in applications and instrumentation helps analytical scientists to evaluate and develop pharmaceuticals, establish environmental regulations, and produce better industrial products.

IonPac and OmniPac are registered trademarks of Dionex Corporation.


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