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Autoscribe launches US operation

Zumatrix Inc. operated as Autoscribe's North American distributor for the past 12 years. Autoscribe Informatics Inc. was formed by the transfer of Zumatrix's staff and assets and began operations on 3 January 2012. It is responsible for all sales activities, implementation services and support in North America. Autoscribe Informatics Inc. will operate from the same offices as previously occupied by Zumatrix so the transfer will have minimal impact upon existing customers.
With over 20 years of delivering long term configurable and scalable solutions, Autoscribe Ltd has expert knowledge in the development and supply of informatics, LIMS and software solutions for a variety of industry applications. Matrix Gemini's ability to combine business management with laboratory management provides an integrated solution that has positioned Autoscribe Ltd as a worldwide leader. Autoscribe Informatics Inc is now poised to continue building on its success within the water, environmental, pharmaceutical and veterinary markets in North America. Autoscribe's attendance at the recent ACVP/ASVCP annual meeting in Nashville demonstrated the potential that increased market presence can offer.
Autoscribe believes that this change will benefit both existing and prospective Matrix customers. John Boother, the founding director of Autoscribe, said "The formation of Autoscribe Informatics Inc. will provide a huge opportunity for us to expand on exciting prospects such as the biobanking sector. It marks a significant strengthening of our commitment to the customer base within North America. I am delighted that all the Zumatrix staff chose to transfer over to Autoscribe - it demonstrates the strong relationship between the UK and US teams and expands our in-house skills for the benefit of all our customers."
For more information about Autoscribe and its products, visit or
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