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AgileBio releases LabCollector PTS: collaborative application for protein production application

The PTS add-on is a network based application for protein production, purificiations and analysis management. As a project manager, PTS allows technical staff and project managers to follow all processes and tasks progression in an organized interface.
PTS is suitable for labs, biotechs, pharma companies and protein expression facilities intereste in quality management of their activities and interested in protein production follow up.
Built on web technologies like LabCollector, PTS features and interactive and intuittive interface. PTS is fully integrated inte LabCollector, a collaborative solution to manage day-to-day laboratory data and storage allowing tracking of any kind of sample.
The PTS main benefits:
- Quick access dashboard
- Unlimited projects/jobs
- Unlimited protein requests
- Archive old projects
- Manage users level permission
- Create link with LabCollector LIMS data/storage
- Client access
- Configurable / Multilanguage interface
For more information click here
About AgileBio
AgileBio is specialized in scientific IT solutions for life sciences, R&D biotech and other industries. AgileBio provides a wide range of services like complete software development, integration and customization, tracking and identification system integrations (barcode readers, labels, RFID,...)
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