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A convenient

The CSL UV sterilisation cabinetsA compact and convenient, yet safe, nucleic acid-free environment is one of the main advantages offered by the uvCAB UV Sterilisation Cabinets available from CLEAVER SCIENTIFIC (CSL). Similar to having a ‘mini-cleanroom' within your laboratory these cabinets provide a low-cost, easily accessible area for setting-up PCR (Polymerase Chain Reactions) whilst minimising the potential for PCR reaction contamination.  

Features include powerful UV lights which serve to denature nucleic acids in 5 to 30 minutes making them unsuitable for amplication and contamination of PCR reactions. These lights are timer controlled and there are safety switches on the cabinet doors which automatically turn-off the UV lights when opened to prevent user exposure to UV light. The CSL UV sterilisation cabinets also act as an effective shield against beta radioactive emissions and can therefore be safely used with isotopes, such as 32P. They also include a white light which ensures excellent visibility when working inside them. 

They are available in two sizes, a Maxi version which provides a working space measuring 660 x 560 x 420mm (H x W x D) and ensures a good sized cabinet for setting-up and also storage of PCR reactions along with the pipettes, racks and other equipment. For laboratories where space and budgets are limited, the Mini Cabinet is an ideal solution, measuring just 400 x 560 x 350mm (H x W x D) and contains two timer controlled UV bulbs.

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