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New Oxford Biotech Launches Cloning Platform that Promises to Transform Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering
Oxfordshire’s newest biotechnology company, Oxford Genetics Ltd, has developed an innovative range of synthetic DNA products that are set to revolutionise the genetic research sector.
The new technology, called SnapFastTM, provides a fully interchangeable module based genetic engineering platform that offers research scientists unrivalled efficiency and flexibility.
Managing Director of Oxford Genetics, Dr Ryan Cawood who invented the system describes the cloning platform as “Lego for DNA”. Dr Cawood explains how it works:
“Historically, most genetic engineering has been performed with pieces of DNA, gathered from a variety of sources that were never intended to fit together. This can often make genetic engineering time-consuming and frustrating. What we are doing at Oxford Genetics is providing all of the standard DNA components that researchers use on a regular basis, and putting them into a compatible and ‘easy to clone’ format.”
Oxford Genetics has developed a modular system in which every DNA component can be easily exchanged for hundreds of other DNA components that have been pre-designed to offer a range of research functions. This is the concept of SnapFastTM.
Dr Ryan Cawood added, “The system really allows you to make very complicated DNA research tools in quite a short amount of time. We are also offering bespoke cloning and DNA synthesis services, allowing our customers to use us as a ‘one stop shop’ for genetic engineering.”
“Oxford Genetics is also virtually unique in offering an intellectual property-friendly policy, allowing companies and researchers to use most of our plasmids with no license fees and without material transfer agreements, enabling them to get on with their research instead of getting bogged down by paperwork”.
Founded in 2011, Oxford Genetics has been developing its product range in collaboration with external scientists at a range of universities and other companies. The first round of products is now available online and Oxford Genetics will be adding to this collection on a regular basis.
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