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Efficient & Reliable Automated Filling of 2-Compartment Petri Dishes

For many applications, the amount of required agar can be reduced by using two-compartment Petri dishes. However, pouring biplates by hand is time-consuming and inefficient. The MEDIAJET fitted with biplate filling option is proven to offer an efficient and reliable solution for preparing 2-compartment Petri dishes automatically.
Located in Herlev, close to Copenhagen - Herlev Hospital ( is engaged in providing a range of health care and hospital services to diverse patients. It is principally focused on providing emergency treatment services for acute diseases. The hospital caters to more than 700,000 people across the Ballerup, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Egedal, Lyngby, Rudersdal and capital region areas of Denmark.
Anette Banke, Senior Pharmaconomist at Herlev Hospital commented "We have had our MEDIAJET vario with biplate option up and running for two years filling over 70,000 biplates annually. We also use the MEDIAJET to fill standard 90mm Petri dishes. Our system is running from morning until evening almost every day. We have never experienced any problems with the MEDIAJET and it is by far the most reliable instrument we have ever had for Petri dish filling. You could almost say: it takes care of itself! This of course gives us the chance to fulfil other tasks in the laboratory while it's running increasing our laboratory productivity". We only have one wish: We would like to have an additional MEDIAJET system such that we can expand our service to supply other hospitals with top quality agar plates".
The MEDIAJET vario with biplate option offers the unique flexibility of high throughput filling of Petri dishes of various sizes, Petri dishes with 2 compartments and test tubes of various diameters and length.
Using a proven mechanical dish guidance system, monitored by a set of sensors throughout the filling process, the compact MEDIAJET vario provides truly reliable, walk-away operation. Operational downtime and media loss due to 'dish jams' resulting from variations in the diameter, shape and rim profile of the disposable plastic Petri dishes are completely eliminated.
For further information please contact INTEGRA Biosciences AG on telephone +41-81-286-9530 / In the USA please contact Viaflo Corporation on telephone +1-603-578-5800
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