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The ChemoLum multi-imaging system from Herolab
A new multi-imaging system which guarantees excellent results for chemiluminescence as well as fluorescence applications.
Herolab, the German manufacturer of equipment for life science, have introduced ChemoLum, a new multi-imaging system which guarantees excellent results for chemiluminescence as well as fluorescence applications.
Two different models are available. The ChemoLum M2R features a 1.4m CCD camera which has exceptionally large pixels for greater sensitivity while the other, the ChemoLum C1R, has an impressive 8.3m pixel camera giving high resolution images and higher binning levels.
The key to the outstanding performance of the ChemoLum systems is the use of light sensitive fixed angle objective lenses instead of a zoom objective lens. Naturally the lens is fully motorised but a zoom function is made possible through the variable positioning of the camera distance from the gel or blot. The camera height and of course sample area and hence focusing are all controlled by the software of the system.
A five position motorised filter wheel is also controlled by the system software to ensure the correct selection for each application. In addition to chemiluminescence the ChemoLum can therefore be used for a range of other applications. Using the high contrast Herolab UV transilluminator for example the systems are perfect for the imaging of UV gels and blots. Standard with the system is EPI illumination for UV (254 and 365nm), white light and blue LED at 470nm.
Systems are controlled using the E.A.S.Y. software module while the E.A.S.Y. Analysis software can provide molecular weight and volume analysis alongside 2D Spot analysis.
The ChemoLum systems are designed for high performance imaging. The impressive specification and superior build quality ensure outstanding results.
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