Mar 24, 2015 - Sensors in Medicine 2015

start date: Mar 24, 2015


Sensors in Medicine 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 10:00

Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 18:00

Royal Geographic Society Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, United Kingdom

The 3rd annual Sensors in Medicine Conference will follow the same format as the very successful SiM13 and SiM14 Conferences.
The Conference objective is to bring together academic, clinical and commercial experts to explore new ideas and innovations in the application of sensors to medicine and healthcare. In doing so, we expect to facilitate the adoption of new sensor technology; currently academic research outpaces the clinical and commercial realisation of the benefit to patients.
At Sensors in Medicine 2015 there will be:
Invited and contributed papers on new academic and commercial technology
Exhibits of new and emerging technology
Poster displays
A Panel Discussion: Technology Push vs. Clinical Pull
A networking reception
A Workshop: Medical Device Clinical Trials
We encourage contributions from academic researchers, clinicians and commerical organisations with innovative sensor technology applicable to medicine and healthcare
There will be discounted fees for early stage companies who present and exhibit their technology - this is a major opportunity to engage with potential commercial and financial partners.
For further information click here